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Task defines computation step in a pipeline and has to be class inheriting taskchain.Task.

Basic structure


from taskchain import Task, Parameter
import pandas as pd

class MyTask(Task):

    class Meta:
        input_tasks = [DependencyTask]
        parameters = [

    def run(dependency, param) -> pd.DataFrame:
        # ... compitation ...
        return result

Meta subclass

This class has to be defined inside every task and describes how should be the task handled by TaskChain. The Meta class in not meant to define any methods, it should only define some attributes:

  • input_tasks (List[Task | str]) - dependency tasks, more below
  • parameters (List[Parameter]) - parameters required by this task, which come from your configs, more below
  • abstract (bool) - if True this task isn't instantiated and is never part of a chain, useful for inheritance
  • name (str) - if not defined, name is derived from class name
  • group (str)
  • data_class (Type[Data]) - custom class to use for output data persistence
  • data_type (Type) - output type of run method, alternative to typing notation

run method

This method is called by TaskChain when output of this task is requested and data are not already persisted.

Definition of the method has to contain return type (using typing -> or data_type in Meta class). Value returned by run method is checked by TaskChain if matches defined type. Return type is important for data persistence.


The method can have arguments. TaskChain try to match and fill these arguments by values of parameters and input task.


Avoid expensive computation or loading data in __init__. TaskChain can create task object multiple times and often task is not used at all. Put all expensive operation to run method. You can use @persistent decorator.

Task names and groups

Name of the task (str) is either defined by name attribute of Meta or it is derived from class name (converting to underscore notation and removing task at the end). Here are some examples:

  • DataTask -> data
  • FilteredDataTask -> filtered_data
  • FilteredData -> filtered_data
  • LongNameOfTheTask -> long_name_of_the

Group of task allows keep some order in larger projects and have impact on location of persisted data. Usually task with a same group defines pipeline. The group can be defined in Meta class. and if it is the fullname of the task is group_name:task_name. If you need more rich structure of groups, you can use : to separate multiple levels of groups, e.g. group:subgroup.


Usually all task of a pipeline are defined in one module (file). To avoid defining same group in all tasks, it is possible inherit from ModuleTask or DoubleModuleTask instead of Task. In that case group is set to module name.


Parameters are connection between tasks and configs. Parameters defined in Meta tell TaskChain which values should be extracted from configs and provided for run method.

Parameter can be accessed through arguments of run method or directly from class's ParameterRegistry: self.params.my_param_name or self.params['my_param_name'].


class AllDataTask(Task):
    class Meta:
        parameters = [

    def run(self, input_file) -> pd.DataFrame
        assert input_file == self.params.input_file
        return pd.read_csv(input_file)

class FilteredDataTask(Tasks):
    class Meta:
        input_tasks = [AllDataTask]
        parameters = [
            Parameter('min_value', default=0)

    def run(self, all_data, min_value, max_value) -> pd.DataFrame
        return all_data.query('{min_Value} <= value <= {max_value}')

Parameter's arguments

  • name - name for referencing from task
  • default - value used if not provided in config, defaults to NO_DEFAULT meaning that param is required
  • name_in_config - name used for search in config, defaults to name argument
  • dtype - expected datatype
  • ignore_persistence - do not use this parameter in persistence, useful for params without influence on output, e.g. verbose or debug
  • dont_persist_default_value - if value of parameter is same as the default, do not use it in persistence. This is useful for adding new parameters without recomputation of old data


You can use pathlib.Path as datatype. Expected value in config is str, however, value provided by the parameter has type of Path.

Reserved parameter names

Following names have special meaning in configs and cannot be used as parameter names:

  • tasks, excluded_tasks
  • uses
  • human_readable_data_name
  • configs, for_namespaces, main_part

Input tasks

Input tasks are connection between tasks. This Meta argument tells TaskChain which other tasks are prerequisites of this task.

Values (data) of input tasks can be accessed through arguments of run method or directly from class's InputTasks: self.input_task['my_task'].value.

It is also possible access input task by index: self.input_task[0].value. This can be useful if task inheritance is used. Then run method can stay unchanged and only input_tasks can be redefined.

Input task can be defined in following ways:

  • by class: input_tasks = [MyDataTask] - this way is preferred if possible
  • by name: input_tasks = ['my_data']
  • by name and group: input_tasks = ['group:my_data']
  • by name, group and namespace: input_tasks = ['namespace::group:my_data']
  • by regexp string starting with ~: input_tasks = ['~my_*'] - this expands to all matching tasks in chain (tasks starting with my_)

Data persistence

Persisting output of tasks is main feature of the TaskChain.

When run method produce value (data) TaskChain saves this value and later when the value of the task is requested again, value is just loaded instead of calling run method again.

Data class

Saving and loading of values is handled by inheritors of taskchain.task.Data class. Witch class is used is determined automatically by return data type of run method or by data_class attribute of Meta.

These Data classes are determined automatically:

  • JSONData persists str, int, float, bool, dict, list types into .json files
  • NumpyData persists np.ndarray type into .npy file
  • PandasData persists pd.DataFrame or pd.Series type into .pd file
  • FigureData persists plt.Figure type into pickle but also saves plot as .png and .svg for easy sharing. Use pylab or seaborn as usual and just return plt.gcf().
  • GeneratedData is used if return type is Generator. It is assumed that generated values are json-like. Values are saved to .jsonl file (json lines).

Other useful Data classes which have to be explicitly defined in data_class attribute.

  • InMemoryData - this special type is not persisting and value is saved only in memory of process.


class MyTask(Task):

    class Meta:
        data_class = InMemoryData

    def run() -> WhatEver:
        # ...
        return whatever
  • DirData - this class allows save arbitrary data to provided directory, but data have to be handled inside run method manually. Value of the task is Path of this directory.


class MyTask(Task):

    def run(self) -> DirData:
        # ...            
        data_object = self.get_data_object(), data_object.dir / 'my_data_1.pickle'), data_object.dir / 'my_data_2.pickle')
        return data_object

    def save(self, data, dir_path):
  • ContinuesData - for task with large run time, e.g. training of large models, it is possible to make computation on multiple runs. This allows to save partial results and next call of run method starts from last checkpoint when computation is interrupted.


class TrainModel(Task):
    class Meta:

    def run(self) -> ContinuesData:
        data: ContinuesData = self.get_data_object()
        working_dir = data.dir


        checkpoint_path = working_dir / 'checkpoint'
        if checkpoint_path.exists():

            save_path=working_dir / 'trained_model'
        ) # training should save checkpoint periodically and trained model at the end

        return data
  • H5Data - special case of ContinuesData which allows to compute large data files.


class Embeddings(Task):

    class Meta:

    def run(self) -> H5Data:
        data: H5Data = self.get_data_object()

        with data.data_file() as data_file:
            h5_emb_dataset = data.dataset('embedding', data_file, maxshape=(None, embedding_size), dtype=np.float32)
            progress = h5_emb_dataset.len()

            for i, row in enumerate(my_dataset[progress:]):
                if i % 1000 == 0:
                emb = self.get_embedding(row)
                data.append_data(h5_emb_dataset, [emb], dataset_len=progress)
                progress += 1
        return data

You can define ad hoc Data classes to handle other data types.

Returning Data object directly

In some cases it is convenient to return (by run method) Data object directly. DirData is one example. Other use case is custom object which inherits from InMemoryData. See TrainedModel task in example project which returns RatingModel directly. This is the way to easily expose a important object to other tasks in the pipeline.


TaskChain offer two ways to save addition information about computation mainly for debug purposes.

Run info

After run method finishes and result value is saved to disk Data object also save additional information about computation. It is possible add any json-like information to this info.

class MyTask(Task):
    def run(self):
        self.save_to_run_info('some important information')
        self.save_to_run_info({'records_processes': 42, 'errors': 0})

The run info is saved as YAML and is available under task_object.run_info in json-like form.


  class: Movies
  module: movie_ratings.tasks.movies
  name: movies:movies
  context: null
  name: imdb.filtered/movies:movies
  namespace: null
  movies:all_movies: 436f7a5e06e540716b275a5f84499a78
  - some important information
  - records_processes: 42
    errors': 0
  from_year: '1945'
  min_vote_count: '1000'
  to_year: None
started: '2021-07-11 11:34:01.520866'
ended: '2021-07-11 11:34:01.850913'
time: 0.3300471305847168
  name: your_system_name


Each task has its own standard python logger, which can be used from run method.

class MyTask(Task):
    def run(self):
        self.logger.debug('not so important information')

This logger has two handlers

  • File handler managed by Data object which saves log along value produced by task. Logging level of this handler is set to DEBUG.
  • Other handler is managed by chain object and log to console. Logging level of this handler is set to WARNING and can be changed from chain by chain.set_log_level('DEBUG').

Advanced topics

Tasks inheritance

Tasks are classes and can be inherited. This simplifies cases when pipeline contains tasks with similar functionality.

You can inherit a task and change his behaviour by

  • changing Meta class
    • you can change input tasks and then computation will be done with different input. In this case, it is not possible have input tasks in run arguments, and they can access by self.input_tasks[0].value. This way, use of the task name, which is changing, is avoided.
    • you can add custom attribute to Meta class and access it by self.meta.my_attribute and make computation based on its value.
  • you can override some methods used by run method

It is possible declare in Meta class abstract = True. In that case, task will be not recognized by project.tasks.pipeline.* in config and will not be part of your pipeline. This can be useful for tasks, which will be inherited from.

Example of task inheritance can be found in example project