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ic ( IceCream )

If you import taskschain ic is installed and you can use it whithout import.


For ease up saving "expensive" computation, TaskChain have simple caching tools. This can be used for saving e.g. api calls.

from taskchain.cache import JsonCache

cache = JsonCache('/path/to/cache_dir')

input_ = 42

def _computation():
    return expensive(input_)

cache_key = f'key_{input_}'
result = cache.get_or_compute(cache_key, _computation)

Result is loaded from cache if presented or computed and saved in cache.

You can also use @cached decorator which can handle creation of cache key automatically from arguments.

from taskchain.cache import JsonCache, cached

class MyClass:
    def cached_method(self, input_):
        return expensive(input_)

my = MyClass()
result = my.cached_method(42)

There are multiple Cache classes prepared

  • DummyCache - no caching
  • InMemoryCache - values are cached only in memory, all types are allowed
  • JsonCache - saves json-like objects to json
  • DataFrameCache
  • NumpyArrayCache
  • FileCache - abstract class useful for implementing own type of caches

@persistent decorator

This decorator can be used on class methods without arguments. Result of this method is stored in self.__method_name attribute after first call. On other calls stored value is returned.


You can also combine @persistent with @property decorator, just make sure that @property is before @persistent.

This can be useful in implementation of lazy behaviour of your classes.


class MyClass:

    def foo(self):
        return expensive_computation()
class MyClass:

    def __init__(self): = expensive_computation()


You can use parallel_map for easy utilization of threading.

from taskchain.utils.threading import parallel_map

def download_urls(urls: list, threads=2):
    def _fun(url):
        return download(url)

    return parallel_map(_fun, urls, threads=threads, desc='Downloading', total=len(urls))

@repeat_on_error decorator

This decorator is useful for calling api or downloading data from internet. It tries to run a method again if error occurs.

from taskchain.utils.clazz import repeat_on_error

class Downloader:
    # first retry is after 2 second, second after 4, third after 8
    @repeat_on_error(waiting_time=2, wait_extension=2, retries=3)
    def download(self, url, exact_match=True):