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Generally, configs defines all necessary parameter values, which are needed to run a pipeline and tasks in it.

In TaskChain, config is also entry point for creating a chain and describes how pipelines are connected to a chain. Therefore, a config has to define:

  • description of tasks which should be part of a chain (e.g. pipeline)
  • parameter values needed by these tasks
  • dependencies on other configs (pipelines)

Usual setup is one config in one file which defines one pipeline. This allows effective reuse of the pipeline in multiple chains without need of repeating parameter values.

What actually is config?

Config in TaskChain has dual meaning. First, config as YAML file containing information described above. Second, config as an instance of taskchain.Config which is usually based on the config file and adds other information necessary for computation.

Config definition

Simple example of config

tasks: my_project.tasks.pipeline.*

string_parameter: value
int_parameter: 123
    key1: value1
        - v1
        - v2
from taskchain import Config

config = Config(

Config is basically map from strings to arbitrary values. In addition to YAML files, you can define your config also in JSON file or directly in code by passing dict like object to Config() in parameter data.

More examples of configs can be found in example project.

You can access values of config object by attribute config.string_parameter or in dict like fashion config['string_parameter']. Actually, config is descendant of dict. However, direct access to the values is rarely needed because parameters are handled by TaskChain.


Each config should define which tasks are configured. This is a way how a config defines a pipeline. The special parameter tasks is string or list of strings describing tasks. Task is described by a path to task's class: 'my_project.tasks.pipeline.ProcessTask'. This description corresponds exactly to python imports.

To import all tasks from pipeline (defined in single file) at once you can use wildcard * in last place of description: 'my_project.tasks.pipeline.*'.

Task exclusion

For more flexibility, you can also exclude tasks with special parameter excluded_tasks with same syntax as tasks parameter.

Config dependencies

More complicated chains are split to multiple pipelines with corresponding configs. Parameter uses defines how configs of these pipelines are connected together.

For example, project is split to data preparation pipeline and model pipeline. Config of data preparation have no prerequisites, and thus it doesn't need uses. Some tasks of the model pipeline depends on tasks of data pipeline and therefore model config has to depend on data config.


tasks: my_project.tasks.model.*
uses: "/path/to/data_config.yaml"

model: ...

source_file: ...

uses is string or list of strings if there are multiple dependency configs.

Placeholders & Global vars

Placeholders and global variables is a mechanism which allows TaskChain projects work in multiple environments. The same project can be moved to different directory or machine or can be run by multiple peoples with different setups. This is especially useful for handle paths in configs.

To make configs independent on environment it is possible to use placeholders in them which are later replaced by values provided in Config object in instantiation in parameter global_vars.

Basic usage of global vars

tasks: my_project.tasks.pipeline.*
uses: "{CONFIGS_DIR}/dependency_config.yaml"

source_data: {DATA_DIR}/data.csv
from pathlib import Path
from taskchain import Config

CONFIGS_DIR = Path('/path/to/configs')

config = Config(
    CONFIGS_DIR / 'config.yaml',
        'DATA_DIR': '/path/to/data'

Parameter global_var can be a dict with placeholders as keys or an object with placeholders as attributes. This allows following typical construction:

Typical usage of global vars

from pathlib import Path
from taskchain import Config

from project import project_config

config = Config(
    project_config.CONFIGS_DIR / 'config.yaml',
from pathlib import Path

REPO_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.parent

DATA_DIR = Path('/path/to/project_data/source_data')
TASKS_DIR = Path('/path/to/project_data/task_data')
CONFIGS_DIR = REPO_DIR / 'configs'
tasks: my_project.tasks.pipeline.*
uses: "{CONFIGS_DIR}/dependency_config.yaml"

source_data: {DATA_DIR}/data.csv

Parameter objects

Sometimes configuration using only json-like parameter values is not enough, or it is not practical. For these cases, you can include definition of a object instance as parameter value to your config.

Object instance is defined by class and args and kwargs passed to constructor. Class has to be derived class of taskchain.paramater.ParameterObject, i.e. has to define repr method which should return unique string representation of object. This value is then used by taskchain to keep track of changes in configs, and it is necessary for correct function of data persistence.

Common pattern is that there is base class which defines interface which is used by tasks and parameter objects are instances of child classes. Good example is Model class which define abstract methods train, predict, save andload. Children of this base class (e.g. NeuralModel, LinearRegressionModel, ...) implement these methods, are configurable by their constructor and are used in configs. Here is example of this pattern.

Definition of object instance in config is dict containing key class with fully-qualified name of class as value. Additionally, dict can contain args with a list and kwargs with a dict.

Definition of object in config

        class: my_project.models.LinearRegressionModel
            normalize: True
            regularization: 1

In last example, config provide parameter model with value LinearRegressionModel(normalize=True, regularization=1).

In config, objects can be defined inside other structures, such as list, dict or definitions of other objects. I.e. you can define parameter which is list of objects.


Writing of repr method for parameter object can repetitive and omitting a argument can lead to mistakes. Therefore, there is AutoParameterObject which defines repr for you and it is based on class name and arguments of __init__ method. To make it work, all arguments values of constructor has to be saved in object attributes. For argument named my_argument, AutoParameterObject is looking for its value at self._my_argument or self.my_argument.

To allow more flexibility and ease adding new arguments, you can also define ignore_persistence_args or dont_persist_default_value_args which return list of string names of arguments and have similar meaning as Parameter arguments.


In case that your parameter object need to access the chain directly (e.g. take a task's data), you can inherit also from taskchain.chain.ChainObject and implement init_chain(self, chain) method which is called after chain creation and pass chain itself.


If you need to use one pipeline with different configs in one chain, or you just make your larger chains more structured, you can use namespaces.

You can put part of your chain to a namespace and all tasks in that part will be referenced not but their name task_name but by namespace and task name namespace_name::task_name.

Creating namespaces is really simple, in referencing other config in config definition (uses clause) just add as namespace_name.


tasks: my_project.tasks.model.*
    - "/path/to/data_configs/train_data.yaml as train"
    - "/path/to/data_configs/valid_data.yaml as valid"
    - "/path/to/data_configs/test_data.yaml as test"

model: ...

class TrainModel(Task):
    class Meta:
        parameters = [Parameter('model')]
        input_tasks = ['train::features', 'valid::features']

    def run(self, model) -> ...:
        train_data = self.input_tasks['train::features'].value

class EvalModel(Task):
    class Meta:
        parameters = [Parameter('model')]
        input_tasks = [TrainModel, 'test::features]

    def run(self, model, train_model, features) -> dict:


  • if a config is in a namespace, also configs used by this config are in the same namespace
  • namespaces can be nested, e.g. task features can be in nested namespace main_model::train
  • you can still reference task without namespace as long as there is only one task of that name
    • this is the case of input_tasks of Evalmodel task but not input_tasks of TrainModeltask in example above
    • this applies to referencing tasks in chain, in input_tasks and run method arguments.

Advanced topics

Multi-config files

It is possible to save multiple configs to one file. This can be useful, when chain has multiple pipelines, and you need one file configuration.

Example of multi-config file

        tasks: ...
        input_data_file: ...
        main_part: True
        tasks: ...
        uses: "#data_config as data"
        model: ...

Single config can be taken from this file using part argument:

config = Config('/path/to/task_data', 'multi_config.yaml', part='data_config')
It is possible omit part argument if one of defined configs specify main_part: True. To access a config from another config (in uses) use /path/to/multi_config.yaml#data_config or if you refer to a part of the same multi-config, you can use only #data_donfig as shown in example.


Context is mechanism which allows rewrite parameter values in configs in the time of their instantiation. Under the hood Context is special case of Config which is used in specific way.


config = Config(
    CONFIGS_DIR / 'config.yaml',
    context={'verbose': True, 'batch_size': 32}

This can be useful for

  • ad-hock experiment
  • hyper-parameter optimization
  • tuning parameters, which are not used in persistence, e.g. batch_size
  • consider long data processing chain consisting of multiple dependent pipelines each with own config file. When we get new input data, it usually leads to recreating all configs which are very similar (only input_data parameter is changed and config paths in uses). Other approach is omit input_data parameter value in config and provide it context, which allows run pipeline with same configuration on multiple inputs easily.

What can be context

  • dict of parameters and their values
  • file path with json on yaml file - this is analogous to context files
  • Context object
  • list of previous - in that case context are merged together. In case of parameter conflict later has higher priority.


Parameters in context are applied globaly, i.e. on all configs in chain. Be cearful with parameters of the same name in different pipelines.


In the case of more complicated chains which uses namespaces you can run to problems, when one pipeline is in chain multiple times with different configuration (under different namespaces). For these cases, context can have for_namespaces field. It's valued should be dict with namespaces as keys and parameters to overwrite in this namespace as value.

Context YAML file using for_namespace

        input_data: '/path/to/data1'
        other_param: 42
        input_data: '/path/to/data2'

batch_size: 32


It is possible to join multiple context in one file with uses field. Syntax is the same as in configs, but meaning slight different. In contexts files in uses are just merged to the main context. If ... as namespace format is used, loaded context is applied only for given namespace. Following example is equivalent to the previous one.

Context YAML files using uses

    - /path/to/train.context.yaml as train
    - /path/to/test.context.yaml as test

batch_size: 32
input_data: '/path/to/data1'
other_param: 42
input_data: '/path/to/data2'