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To help with testing of tasks and chains TaskChain offers some helper tools.

Testing of a single task

A task usually exists in a context of chain with other tasks and configs. Helper function create_test_task create tasks and mocks the context.

Testing of a task


class MyTask(Task):
    class Meta:
        input_tasks = [ATask, BTask]
        parameters = [
            Parameter('p2', default=3),

    def run(self, a, b, p1, p2) -> int:
        return a + b + p1 + p2

from taskchain.utils.testing import create_test_task

task = create_test_task(
    MyTask,             # class of tested task
    input_tasks={       # mocked input task values
        'a': 7,         #   task can be referenced by name
        BTask: 6,       #   or by class
        'p1': 42,       # parameters provided to tested task
assert task.value == 7 + 6 + 42 + 3

Testing of a part of a chain

You can also test more tasks together. Class TestChain creates chain where some tasks are mocked, i.e. their values are not computed but provided on creation of test chain.

Testing of a part of chain


class KTask(Task):
    class Meta:
        input_tasks = [JTask, BTask]
        parameters = [Parameter('p2')]

    def run(self, j, b, p2) -> int:

class LTask(Task):
    class Meta:
        input_tasks = [KTask]
        parameters = [Parameter('p2')]

    def run(self, k, pc) -> int:

from taskchain.utils.testing import TestChain

chain = TestChain(
    tasks = [KTask, LTask],
    mock_tasks = {
        'j': ...,
        BTask: ...,
        'p1': ...,
        'p2': ...,
assert chain.k.value == ...
assert chain.l.value == ...